
Google Shopping Adds Amazon Prime & Nike Membership Promo

Google seems to be testing showing a promotion for Amazon Prime membership directly in the Google Shopping search results interface. It is this line that has a small Amazon logo and says “Amazon Prime member benefits: Prime members get fast shipping on eligible items, exclusive deals & more.”

This also works for Nike membership.

This was spotted by Menachem Ani who posted on X about it. I am able to replicate it.

Here is a screenshot showing the promotion (click to enlarge):

Amazon Prime In Google Shopping

Here is a screenshot showing the overlay after you click on the promotion line (click to enlarge):

Amazon Prime In Google Shopping Overlay

When you click on any of those “join now” links, it takes you to Amazon to buy Prime membership.

This also works for Nike membership as shown by Feedarmy:

Nike Membership Google Shopping Promo

I wonder what that ad costs?

Update: I am told this is not an ad, more details here:

Forum discussion at X

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